
How to unblock notifications

If you have 'Blocked' Notifications from CH2 and would like to  'UNBLOCK ' to start receiving fantastic promos and product updates again, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Browser settings menu in Chrome, Firefox or IE (Safari does not fully support Push Notifications).
  2. Type 'Notifications' in the Search Box (Chrome/Firefox) to easily find the Notifications Panel.
  3. Click on the Notifications line to access the settings.
  4. Check if is Blocked.
  5. If it is in the 'Blocked' list, click on the arrow (Chrome) to show further options.
  6. Select the 'Notifications' option again.
  7. Select "ALLOW" from the drop down menu.
  8. Notifications from the site are now Unblocked.

Note: You may need to Click on the 'Subscribe' Button once you Log In to Direct